Latest News & Updates
Success Story – Let The Cycle Stop
Sangita, 23, (name changed) began working at the age of twelve to earn a living to survive. Her story is horrific. Sangita was the only child of her mother and was living happily with her parents until the eldest sister from her stepfather requested to stay. As days...
Message from the CEO’s desk – 2016/2017
Human trafficking in today’s world is seen as a global phenomenon - but in the context of Nepal - it is carried in a distinct form where children are most vulnerable. 3 Angels Nepal came into existence in 2008 with a vision to create a society free from Human...
Helen’s Update.
Helen Eager writes: We visited a prison where there are three men who were out of food and no way of obtaining any, so they cut down a tree to sell the wood. For this they have been given five years in jail. It reminds me of the story about the grandmother in UK...
Safe Haven Women Meet
3 Angels Nepal, an Anti-Trafficking focused organisation since 2004 have been proactively implementing initiatives through Rescue Prevention and Rehabilitation approach to combat Human Trafficking in Nepal.. In partnership with Asian Aid Organization Australia and...
New position announced: Central Child Welfare Board
Great news that I want to share with you! I, Rajendra, have been selected to be on the board of directors for the Central Child Welfare board, under the Social Welfare and Women Children ministry of the Government of Nepal. The cabinet met on the 11th of December,...
News Updates from our CEO Rajendra Gautam
(Pictured above: New border booths). In the Field… At most border crossings 3AN have been successful in getting the land needed from the local government to build our own border monitoring stations. Previously we had little huts by the roadside further back that were...