Latest News & Updates
Urgent Funding Needed: New School and Children’s Homes
3 Angels Nepal has expressed their most urgent need to be this new school and children’s homes. It will not only allow them to have a better, safer school for their current students but will also allow them to move further towards self- sufficiency. They currently...
Training Conference in Pokhara
I (Rajendra) was selected from the NGO's (a non-profit organization that operates independently of any government, typically one whose purpose is to address a social or political issue) to participate in a week training conference organized by the US government...
3 Angels Students Participate in International Cultural Exchange Programme
3 Angels Students Participate in the International Cultural Exchange Programme in India 3 Angels Mission School participated in the International Student’s Cultural Exchange Programme which was held in Kolkata from 6th to 8th of November 2017. 3...
News Updates from 3 Angels Nepal
3 Angels School News Recently 3 Angels Nepal CEO, School Principal, and key 3AN staff met with 3 board members of their partner 3 Angels Australia. They had a week of intensive planning meetings for the new school and new family model children’s homes. New school and...
Rehabilitation & Protection
THE FOLLOWING REHABILITATION MEASURES ARE ADOPTED BY 3AN: Provide victims with care tailored to their circumstances, Provide skill-based training, Family reunion, Re-integration in the society, Provide financial support through business package, Refer victims to...
Rescue & Interception
BORDER MONITORING STATION 3AN through its border monitoring stations located in major Indo-Nepal borders rescue victims of human trafficking. Border checker of these stations interrogate and interview suspects and travellers in these border crossings. They not only...