3 Angels Nepal has expressed their most urgent need to be this new school and children’s homes. It will not only allow them to have a better, safer school for their current students but will also allow them to move further towards self- sufficiency.

They currently educate over 500 students at the 3 Angels School which is on rented land, with an uncertain future and high maintenance costs. Their students consist of 150 rescued and ‘at risk’ children from their family model children’s homes with full fee paying community students as well as sponsored needy student from the community. The fee paying student placements are in high demand as the standard of education by 3 Angels Nepal is excellent and student are taught both English and Nepali. Caste barriers are broken down and lives changed.

The new low maintenance school rent free school will mean funds now used for renting the current old school and homes will be used to protect more young women and children from trafficking through more education programs in remote communities. Funds 3 AN are now forced to ‘waste’, to make the school safe and able to keep functioning, will be available for many other anti-trafficking projects.

Plans for the new school and children’s homes were started in 2017 and a master plan drawn up. The generous fee reduction, assistance and expertise of Central Coast Architect, Angus Crowe who once worked and lived in Nepal, made this possible.

This has now been developed into a ‘fly through’ to allow all to share the vision for this project. This has been done with the assistance of John Sanday and associates in Nepal.


It looks fancy but the construction is simple and smart and uses natural light and nature to cool it in summer and keep it warm in winter.

Take a look at the video and join us to make the vision a reality and educate to empower the fight against human trafficking in Nepal where over 20,000 young women and children are trafficked every year.


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