New COVID Variant and its impact in 3 Angels Nepal

Here’s what’s happening in 3 Angels Nepal.
A terrible and deadly COVID second wave is hitting Nepal hard. it is something like how we heard Italy was last year.
WHO recently stated that Nepal is in the worst situation in the whole world. The death rates is at an average of 200 daily and the diagnosed cases with limited testing available is about 10,000 per day.
The spread rate is more than twice or more compared to India in ratio. Every day we see people around us dying, the neighbour, close friends that we’ve worked with and some relatives have died too.
Yet, we can’t afford to keep our operations shut down because of the nature of work we are involved in.
Our only unit that is physically shut down is the school even then, the online classes and examinations are going on.
However, the 150 Children in the children’s homes and currently 32 safe haven girls are all locked up in their premises which has put us in to a more challenging situation than ever.
Our radio is in full operation for COVID education and awareness, collection of essentials from the local donors and dropping to people in need like we did last year.
The WSH training is in full operation.
Our Cooperative banking and Microfinance programs are both in full swing as our beneficiaries need money during these hard times.
All our border monitoring stations are in full function to intervene movements for people coming in from India into Nepal.
Our rescue van is in operation 24/7 for both food collection and drop, plus the rescue of trafficking cases which is increasing since the lock down again.
Our office is partially kept open to not interrupt our services and however, to maintain safety and protection
We are trying as hard as possible to maintain safety and protection. Although we are trying hard, some of our border staff have been infected and we are trying all we can to assist in their speedy recovery.
Your continued thoughts and much needed help during this most difficult times is much appreciated. Your standing beside us will simply give us courage to stay positive to fight back safely.
Thank you and wishing you a safe week