You Can Make A Real Difference

Young people are being trafficked from Nepal into India in higher numbers than ever seen before.


More Than 54 Girls Are Taken

Every Day… That We Know Of! That equates to more than 20,000 girls EVERY YEAR!


A Whole Village Without Children

Imagine a whole village missing! The children who are taken in by 3 Angels are placed into family units where they are welcomed into the heart of the family.


Education is the Path to Prevention

Give a child an education, and you give them a future.



Watch this short video below

to see what we do and how you can be a part of long-term change!

Please note our Field Partner, 3 Angels Australia, was renamed in 2021 to Give Freedom International.

Help Us Fight Human Trafficking

Our aim is to stop human trafficking altogether and give every child in Nepal an education and a right to a future. The majority of rescued people are reunited with their families, where the family and community are educated on human trafficking. Every donation, big or small, helps 3 Angels Nepal to fight against human trafficking, at all levels, including rescue, rehabilitation and education.

Young people are being trafficked from Nepal into India in higher numbers than ever seen before.

At many border crossings the number of trafficked girls rescued daily has increased from between 3 & 8 to between 12 & 15!

The 3 Angels team continues to work tirelessly to fight human trafficking in Nepal.

Looking at the Numbers


Minutes another girl is trafficked


Women & children trafficked every year


People rescued / intercepted by 3 Angels Nepal

From 2006 to June 2023

Girls are not the only targets for traffickers, both male and female children are being trafficked for different and disturbing reasons! … Females are trafficked for Sex Slavery and Males for Body Parts, among other things.

*Data based on 3 Angels Nepal records to date.

Our Mission …

Fighting human trafficking through rescue, prevention and rehabilitation.

3 Angels use these three things as guardian angels for vulnerable women and children, from cities to remote village communities in Nepal.

We share Gods love in practical ways and focus on the causes of poverty and child abandonment. The most powerful tool is education in many forms at every level of society.

We don’t simply rescue. We aim to change our society so that rescue is no longer needed!

Latest 3 Angels News & Updates

Annual Report 2022/2023

Annual Report 2022/2023

We feel honoured to share this extremely encouraging report on a year of wonderful accomplishments in caring for Nepal’s most vulnerable. Countless lives have been...

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Annual Report 2021/2022

Annual Report 2021/2022

What another incredible and challenging year it’s been. Across the globe, the effects of COVID-19 can still be felt and we are no exception. Individuals,...

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Annual Report 2020/2021

Annual Report 2020/2021

As we are all aware that the bye-gone year wasn’t an easy one for any one of us due to the adverse impacts of the COVID-19. In-spite the huge challenge, tireless...

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Help 3 Angels educate and fight against Human Trafficking!