Initiatives of Financial Sustainability
Income generation is vital
to providing individuals and communities safe choices, protection from traffickers and independence.
It is also an integral part of helping 3 Angels Nepal not only become less dependent on donor dollars but also providing vocational training to rescued women so they can return to their communities with security of income and independence.
3AN runs a number of income generating programs, some of which also provide vocational training opportunities for the Safe Haven women. These include the Bakery, Tailoring School, Beauty Salon, Printing Press and filtered Drinking Water provision from the Safe Haven home spring water.

The Bakery
The Bakery not only trains the girls who wish with a variety of baking skills, but also bakes over 300 loaves of bread and assorted fresh baked goods daily. It not only provides baked goods for all the children’s homes but also sells some to community outlets.

Tailoring School
The Tailoring business educates those who are interested in tailoring skills and it also makes all the 3 Angels school uniforms as well as those for a number of other schools in the district. Each school year another school requests 3AN to make their uniforms and the income from this business increases. This business also makes blankets for the use of the children’s homes and Safe Haven which again saves money for them but they also sell them at a cost less than the shops to those in the villages needing warm winter quilts.

The Printing Press
The Printing Press also allows skills training and enables the school to not only print much or their own material for the 3 Angels school classrooms but also for other neighbouring school to purchase. It also prints pamphlets and educational resources for community programs educating about human trafficking.

The Beauty Salons
The Beauty Salon likewise provides both training and an income generating community service. It is also a valuable tool in building self esteem for newly rescued women.

Safe Drinking Water
Safe Drinking Water is pumped from an underground spring on the Women’s Safe Haven property. It is filtered and distributed by two tankers daily to all the children’s homes, and the school which saves money with safe drinking water no longer needing to be purchased. Any available excess can be sold.