Donate now to educate and empower trafficked children in Nepal
When you support 3 Angels Nepal, you are supporting the education of 600+ children per year, the rescuing and empowerment of 3,500+ women intercepted at the Nepal border towns, and an estimated 15 million people across village communities listening in every day to a radio station aimed at keeping them and their families safe.
Donations made directly to 3 Angels Nepal are dedicated to child and tertiary education and community development against trafficking.
This ongoing work saves many lives every year. Please give generously!
3 Angels Nepal are a partner for Project J959NB with Global Development Group (GDG; ABN 57 102 400 993). Gifts over $2 are tax deductible in the USA, Australia and over $5 in New Zealand. In the UK, eligible donors can claim Gift Aid. Excess funds may be directed to another approved activity. For more information please visit
Empowering Trafficked Survivors in Nepal
Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world. In Nepal, 1.5 million women are assessed as being at extreme risk of trafficking.
To both prevent and rescue women from being trafficked, 3 Angels Nepal has a multi-pronged approach:

The education of children from at risk families or the children of women rescued from trafficking. This includes alternative care homes, school, vocational and tertiary training.

Women’s empowerment through rescue posts at border locations, emergency accommodation and psychological counselling, vocational training, entrepreneurship, access to microfinance and business start-up opportunities.

Community awareness of the risks and strategies of human traffickers via community education, public promotions, and radio programming.